Part 2 "Do and Don'ts of Web Design The projects are not separated by any grid. The mouse cannot differentiate which project is clicking.

Part 2 Better User Experience Through Storytelling

Using emotion for the user and simplicity will help and guide me how to design the website that I want to create. Users will gain what they want in a simple way.

Part 2 "Meet Your Type: A Field Guide to Love and Typography by Font Shop"

Alignment, size, color, typeface and font can establish a hierarchy for the website.

Part 3


  1. Problem: It is a little bit over-information at the main page.
  2. Audience: Audience is Freelancers or who want to find designers for their work.
  3. Competition: Other similar websites which also provide the same service such as Dribbble
  4. Key Messages: Find employee or employer.
  5. Call to Action: Sign up and post user's talents.
  6. How to Measure Success: How many designers post their works on the website.